"The management has decided to install a computerized system to manage and control the depot. It is their paramount concern that the system never allow the depot to become unsafe."
"The ECO management wants to avoid litigation from their employees or the local council. They have introduced a company regulation that requires the depot manager be able to monitor the depot and to always be able to check if the depot is in a vulnerable state. The regulation states that a depot is vulnerable if any two neighboring buildings contain the maximum number of drums."
Equivalence (nominalization) | |
verb: manage + ment = management + system + depot = depot management system | |
Equivalence (substitutions) | |
verb: "never allow" = prevents | |
adjective: "become unsafe" = safety violation | |
Mission Statement + Motivation | |
The depot management system prevents a safety violation. | |
The ECO management wants to avoid litigation. | |
Normalization (verb isolation) | |
The ECO management introduced a company regulation. | |
A company regulation requires that a depot manager monitor the depot. | |
A depot manager monitors whether the depot is in a vulnerable state. | |
Equivalence (nominalization) | |
adjective: vulnerable + ility = vulnerability | |
A depot manager monitors the depot for vulnerability. | |
A company regulation requires depot monitoring. | |
Equivalence (description) | |
"building contains the maximum number of drums" = full storage building = | |
storage building drum count equals building drum storage limit | |
The depot is vulnerable if ... any two neighboring storage buildings are full. | |
A storage building neighbors another (storage building). |
There are several holes evident in the original narrative. Many of them were filled during the analysis through semantic implication. However, a few important elements of the domain are still missing. Also, several depot management system use-cases are implied. We need to make those use-cases explicit and supply the missing domain elements.
How does the depot manager manage the depot? | |
The system presents the available depot management operations to a depot manager. | |
A depot manager selects depot status report from the depot management operations. | |
The system presents a depot status report. | |
A depot status report lists each building that has an EPA safety violation. | |
A depot status report lists pairs of vulnerable buildings. | |
A depot status report lists a building summary for each storage building. | |
A building summary includes:
A depot manager selects building maintenance from the depot management operations. | |
What are the essential usage cases for the following?