"When a truck arrives at the loading bay, the clerk enters the manifest
accompanying the load and checks in the drums one at a time. As each drum is
checked in, it is assigned an identifier."
Normalization (verb isolation, subject
identification) |
A truck arrives at the loading bay. |
A delivery manifest accompanies a drum
load. |
A loading bay clerk enters a delivery manifest
into the system. |
A loading bay clerk checks each drum
from a drum load. |
Normalization (active verb) |
verb: "is assigned" = assigns |
The system assigns a drum identifier to
each drum. |
A drum identifier identifies a drum. |
Implications |
The ECO depot contains a loading bay. |
A truck delivers a drum load to the
loading bay. |
A drum load contains drums. |
What is the nature of a delivery
manifest? |
A delivery manifest lists the drum count
for an EPA hazard type. |
How does the loading bay clerk initiate
a delivery? |
The system presents loading bay operations
to a loading bay clerk. |
A loading bay clerk selects drum delivery
from the loading bay operations. |
A loading bay clerk enters a drum count and EPA
hazard type into the system. |
How is a drum identified? |
A loading bay clerk requests a drum identifier
from the system. |
The system prints a drum identification label
for each drum. |
A loading bay clerk attaches a drum
identification label to a drum. |