"Since there is only one loading bay, it must be empty before a delivery
or collection can begin. It is the clerk's responsibility to notify the system
when the bay is empty."
Normalization (active verb isolation,
subject identification) |
The ECO depot contains only one loading
bay. |
The loading bay must be empty before a delivery can
begin. |
The loading bay must be empty before a collection can
begin. |
A loading bay clerk must notify the system when the
loading bay is empty. |
Normalization (preconditions) |
A drum delivery can begin only if ... the
loading bay is empty. |
A drum collection can begin only if ... the
loading bay is empty. |
Normalization (active verb) |
A loading bay clerk notifies the system when
... the loading bay is empty. |
Who unloads the drums from a truck in
the loading bay? |
A drum handler transfers delivered drums
from a truck into the loading bay. |
What happens to the returned
drums? |
A drum handler returns drums from the
loading bay onto a truck. |
How are the drums collected? |
A loading bay clerk gives a collection manifest
to a drum handler. |
A drum handler collects drums from the
storage buildings into the loading bay. |
A drum handler transfers the collected drums
from the loading bay onto the truck. |
A truck collects a drum load from the
loading bay. |