// CodeGeneratingVisitor.java
package sample.visitor;
* Responsibilities:
* - visits the nodes of a program AST,
* - generates code appropriate to each kind of AST node.
* @author Copyright 2003 Nikolas S. Boyd.
public class CodeGeneratingVisitor
implements Node.Visitor,
// ... other kinds of AST node Visitors
* Visits an AST node and generates code appropriate to the specific
* kind of node.
* @param node a node in a program AST.
public void visit(Node node) {
// this method should never be called in practice
// it's here only to satisfy the selective visitor pattern
* Visits an AST node and generates code appropriate to the specific
* kind of node.
* @param node a node in a program AST.
public void visit(AssignmentNode node) {
// ... assignment node code generation
* Visits an AST node and generates code appropriate to the specific
* kind of node.
* @param node a node in a program AST.
public void visit(VariableReferenceNode node) {
// ... variable reference node processing
// ... visit() methods for each of the other kinds of node Visitors ...
} // CodeGeneratingVisitor