Q: How do you make a cat sound like a dog and a dog sound like a cat?
A: To make a cat sound like a dog, first you soak it in gasoline. Then, when you light it with a match, it goes "Woof!" To make a dog sound like a cat, first you freeze it. Then, when you put it through a bandsaw, it goes "Meeyyyyowwwww!"
Adi Da Samraj: "If you keep too many dogs, you will never hear the free bird sing. If you keep too many cats, you will never see the free bird fly."
The "free bird" is Spirit. Those who exploit the possibilities of the body-mind and the descending Life Current, and who vigorously seek fulfillment in the world, "keep too many dogs." They have so many worldly distractions that the free "song" of Spirit cannot be heard. Those who exploit the possibilities of the psyche, the central nervous system, and the ascending Life Current, and who slyly and independently seek inward "spiritual" fulfillment, "keep to many cats." They have so many internal distractions that the free "flight" of Spirit cannot be seen. Both the Western approach (fulfillment in the world) and Eastern approach (exclusive inwardness) must be surrendered and transcended in the Way of the Heart, to "hear" and "see" Spirit truly and freely.