Random Selection

Responsive Ruminations on Rumi's Don't Go Away

Nik Boyd

What was a (seemingly) random selection
speaks so directly, as if selected by direction
of a hand moved by spirit without detection,
of this (our love) found mentioned and relevant,
and revered or reversed
or versed and renouned,
and not verbed or verbal,
but only this simple truth:
I love you most dearly
and miss you more daily.

No, don't go away.

Don't fear to be owned
when you are only your own,
truly and only one with me and God.
I am yours and we have little enough time left
to be in love together, to find and fit each
moment into our hearts, like
we fit our feet and legs entwined,
and fit our hands so well,
and fit our heads so closely by
and fit our loins so softly and firmly
and tightly filled and fruitful,
the sweet juice so suited
and swift and surging.

What a gift.

Stay drunk with me
and drunk on me
as I on you.
Let me serve your cup
and stay much as I may
and be with you love's way
and always connected
and ever elected every day.