Nik Boyd @ Dragnet
Sr. Software Engineer, 2007 April - 2010 October
Dragnet Solutions, Inc.
6 Hamilton Field, Suite 150
Novato, CA
Dragnet uses face recognition technologies to create fraud prevention solutions for financial institutions.
- Designed and built fraud case management web services with VisualStudio 2008, C#, WCF, NHibernate, LINQ.
- Designed and built fraud data archive capable of storing 1,000,000 items with Microsoft VisualStudio 2008, C#, NHibernate, PostgreSQL. Rapid location of distinct items was enabled using intelligent SQL query construction and PostgreSQL full text search.
- Designed and built a fraud data correlation tool with Microsoft VisualStudio 2008, C#, WPF, and HQL.
- Designed and built the business contact and fraud evidence domain model classes with Microsoft VisualStudio 2008, C#, NHibernate, LINQ, HQL. Annotated the domain classes with NHibernate mapping attributes to support domain driven design and automatic database schema generation (hbm2ddl).
- Designed and built an image annotation library and tool with Microsoft C# and
VisualStudio 2005.
The tool supports image annotation and image file collection based on reusable
searches. The search criteria are defined based on the image annotations. Image
annotations and searches are stored and maintained as XML. The annotation schema (XSD) was developed with Altova XmlSpy.
- Adapted batch processing systems to use Spring.NET and Quartz.NET.
- Built human interfaces for population maintenance and search.
- Tested algorithms for watch list maintenance and population search.
- Used extensive unit tests to support refactoring,
continuous integration, and automated regression testing.
- Designed and developed unit tests with NUnit and TestDriven.NET.
- Designed and built a continuous integration build system using
Subversion, NAnt, and CruiseControl.NET.
- Introduced Agile development practices and supportive technologies to the team: Scrum and Domain Driven Design.
- Collaborated with other team members using a Microsoft SharePoint
Wiki web and a VersionOne Agile project management system.
- Participated in project iteration planning and effort
- Participated in daily Scrum meetings.