Copyright 2014 Nikolas S. Boyd. Permission is granted to copy this document provided this copyright statement is retained in all copies.


Nik Boyd
Improvement Feature Activity Requestor improves requests oversees Expector uses expects performs Business Value for a produces / conserves

In the context of this Model, a Requestor   

oversees some business Activity(s),

requests Improvements in a business Activity, and

serves as an official Source of Improvements and their Purposes.


There are potentially several kinds of Requestors. They generally oversee and request improvements in some business activity(s), or they may have specific domain knowledge and expertise. They also ensure that the conduct of business activities remain in alignment with the purposes of the business, esp. with its mission and vision. The following table lists some representative requestors, their possible Interests, and related quality Concerns.

Requestors Interests Concerns

Activity Managers Activities, Improvements Relevancy, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Reliability, Availability, Affordability
Solution Planners Markets, Coverage Relevancy, Usefulness, Efficiency
Solution Marketers Markets, Market Share Relevancy, Affordability, Adaptability
Solution Sponsors Budgets, Expenses Measurability, Affordability, Verifiability
Domain Experts Domain Coverage Sufficiency, Completeness, Cohesion, Correctness, Optimality

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